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Chapter Vision: Developing individuals to initiate change and influence organizational culture through mentorship, networking, and professional development programs.

Chapter Mission: We are diverse mix of individuals varying in experience from students to c-suite. Our vision is for women to have a seat at the table where they want to be seated.  Empowering women lead in ways that improve retention, prevent burnout, save organizational time and resources.

Chapter Values: 

 // Belonging
// Opportunity
// Mentorship
// Relationship Building
// Self Development


After discovering a great need for a professional development group for women in the healthcare industry, “Women in Healthcare” was born. The purpose of our organization is to promote the professional development of females in the healthcare industry, to empower one another, support growth and mentorship, and support business through sharing successful techniques, leads, contacts, products and services. Our content is geared towards women in administration, operations and facilities and those who work with them. We provide content that furthers the individuals’ knowledge of industry related fields and trends, enhances professional development tools and gives a forum for personal growth.

Chapter Sponsors